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Selectmen's Minutes October 24, 2005
OCTOBER 24, 2005

Present:        William Roach, Emma Smith, Frederick Gallup, Richard Leone and
                Stephen White.

Also Present:  Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Others: Ronald Verblauw, T.J. Alexander, James Powers, Rebecca Miller and
                Donna Robinson.

7:00 PM:        The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Roach.


A.  Ronald Verblauw – Sunapee Harbor Riverway

Mr. Verblauw was present to provide the Board with an overview of what is going on with the Sunapee Harbor Riverway.  This is a voluntary group of individuals who are dedicated to revitalizing the harbor and Riverway area.  Their goal is to make the area more viable and to serve the community on a year round basis.  There are 11 properties involved.  Mr. Verblauw had heard it said that the Riverway was not doing enough for the community and he wished to clarify to the Board what the activities have been.  He reminded the Board that the Riverway pays approximately $40,000.00 a year in taxes and has done so for the past 6 years.  He feels this is one benefit they are providing Sunapee.  He also stated that he is disappointed with the progress to date.  They are currently working on Pete’s Shed in  the hopes that Jenkins Studio of Dance will be conducting lessons there.  The Riverway is trying to entice businesses to open up shops, etc. and bring some activity to the harbor during the fall and winter months.  A meeting is being held on Tuesday, November 22, 2005.  They have invited all people in the area to talk about cooperative marketing.  Mr. Verblauw stated that he would like to make the harbor and riverway  open to snowmobile activities and then, some year, plan an activity for Halloween.   He stated that the Sunapee Harbor Riverway is looking for more members.   He asked the Board for their thoughts.  Richard Leone stated that he applauded Riverway for what they have in done purchasing the property along the river and in the harbor, but he feels that the group has been too inclusive in the past,  making it so that many do not want to join or feel they are not welcomed to join.  William Roach  stated that the idea of year round would be good and would bring people in.  What he feels is needed is a variety of businesses and he thanked Mr. Verblauw for coming in to see the Board.  Fred Gallup agreed saying that  Riverway got the harbor to start moving in the right direction again.  Stephen White also agreed and did add that he feels the group should look to other residents of Sunapee, not just the harbor and riverway area residents.  Mr. Verblauw thanked the Board for their time.

B.   Public Hearing – Time Limits in Chart 1 Lot D (from 6 hours to 2 hours)

B. Roach opened the hearing at 7:15 PM.  He explained the area and informed those present that the Board would like to limit the parking in this lot to 2 hours.  This would not allow people to park their boat trailers in the lot on an all day basis, which has been happening in the past.  R. Leone questioned how it would be enforced.  B. Roach responded that enforcement was up to the Chief of Police.  D. Nashawaty stated that a sign will be erected and that she feels the Chief will use his own discretion in enforcement.  An example would be parking in this lot during the fall and winter months.  The harbor is not busy during these seasons.  With regard to parking boat trailers, B. Roach stated that there is ample parking for these further up the road.  It was recommended by T. J. Alexander that it be well signed.  The Board agreed and said this would be done.  B. Roach closed the hearing at 7:35 PM.  Motion was made by Stephen White to amend the parking ordinance under Section 1:2, in the village of Sunapee, to add parking lot D, chart 1 to a 2 hour parking limitation.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Solid Waste Project – T.J. Alexander

T. J. Alexander was present to speak to the Board regarding the ending of the project scheduled for July 1, 2007.  They are in the process of dissolution of the project and July 1, 2007 will see an end to all business activities of the District.  The project has assets, one being a 90 acre parcel of property it owns which is the present ash landfill.  Newport ECON has indicated an interest in controlling this property.   If they should receive it, ECON will take over as caretaker.  The project is willing to transfer trust funds to ECON which would allow them to manage the site and report per DES requirements.  The interest alone in the trust fund should be self sustaining.  ECON would then be responsible for the property as well as any town that has disposed of ash there.  The project also owns a second 50 acre parcel of property in Claremont.  T.J. Alexander asked the Board for their input.  B. Roach stated that he has been reading of this in the newspapers and knows that all towns can be on the hook if anything disastrous  happens on the site and feels this is a good idea to get out of this.  T. J. Alexander does not foresee any problems with the ash site.  It was handled properly.  The materials disposed of there were put on sand with a clay liner, drainage was added, compacted, graded and sloped.  More sand was placed and then a second liner.  Over that soil and grass were placed.  S.
White stated he would not be surprised if in the future the site was mined for the ores and metals.  T.  J. Alexander agreed.  R. Leone asked what entity would be overseeing the landfill property.  T. J. Alexander responded that it would be NH DES.  He added that there may be a potential buyer for the Claremont property.  He also added that a $60,000 engineering report was done on the site and the landfill is functioning as designed and is safe as it is.  R. Leone thanked T.J. Alexander for the 10 years of service he has given to the community.  The other Board members also expressed their appreciation.  T. J. Alexander asked the Board for their direction.  The Board responded that they wished T. J.  would use his best discretion, as he always has, when required to vote.  Motion was made by Stephen White to give T. J. Alexander the Board’s approval to use his best judgment when the time came to dispose of the property.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D.  James Powers Associates:  Timothy and Jeffrey Drive in Sunapee View Estates

D. Nashawaty explained that J. Powers was appearing  before the Board in accordance with RSA 640:40a to ask that the Board accept dedicated roads, Timothy and Jeffrey Drive.  She has a copy of a deed from Powers to the town, which has been reviewed by Town Counsel.  She and T. Bergeron, Road Agent, have been working closing with J. Powers with regard to the construction of the roads.  T. Bergeron feels they meet all road requirements.  D. Nashawaty reported that all of the lots have been sold.  To date, the Town has received $72,000 in current use penalties.  The total brought in for penalties could range around $200,000.  R. Leon questioned a boundary dispute he heard rumored in town.  J. Powers stated that there was a minor problem, but that has been resolved.  R. Leone questioned the entrance.  J. Powers explained that land had to be exchanged with abutters to gain the required footage.  B. Roach reviewed the deed and noted that instead of “Sullivan” County, the deed used “Grafton” County.  D. Nashawaty will get this corrected.  D. Nashawaty explained that the Selectmen had to hold a public hearing before acceptance of these roads and asked if November 7, 2005 would be a good time as this is a regular Selectmen’s meeting.  D. Nashawaty also informed the Board that she returned J. Powers’ road bond to him.  Motion was made by Stephen White to schedule a public hearing for November 7, 2005 to discuss acceptance of Timothy and Jeffrey Drive in Sunapee View Estates.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


See copy of agenda attached.


A.  Vacancy in Library Trustees

William Roach removed himself from the Board for this discussion.

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that Brenda Huff has been recommended to be
appointed to the Library Trustees.  Motion was made by Stephen White to appoint
Brenda Huff to the Library Trustees.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  
The vote was as follows.  For:  Richard Leone, Emma White, Frederick Gallup and
Stephen White.  Bill  Roach abstained.  The motion carried.

B. Roach returned to the Board.


A.  Budget:  Details for Future Meetings

D. Nashawaty presented the Board with a draft calendar of meetings with departments,
boards and commissions to discuss the 2006 proposed budget.  She has scheduled the
meetings for every Tuesday in November.  She has penciled in a time of 6 PM to 8 PM.
D. Nashawaty explained that she is sending letters to all of the non-profit organizations
that Sunapee contributed to in 2005 to ascertain if any contribution will be requested in
2006.  Both E. Smith and S. White could not attend some of the meetings.  D. Nashawaty
adjusted the calendar.  A copy of the final schedule is attached to the file copy of these
minutes.  F. Gallup suggested morning meetings and a possible Saturday meeting with
the Budget Advisory Committee.  S. White agreed.  F. Gallup questioned the ending
hour of 8 PM for each meeting.  He feels meetings will be longer.  R. Leone suggested a
weekend wrap up session with the Budget Advisory Committee.  D. Nashawaty will
arrange this.  S. White would like to see early morning meetings as everyone’s energy
level is at its best.  He also added he doesn’t feel the meetings with department heads will
be difficult because the Board is fortunate to have department heads that are cautious of
spending.  D. Nashawaty will rework the schedule and provide the Board with a copy.

B.  Tax Rate

D. Nashawaty reported that no date to set the rate has been arranged as DRA is waiting
for the school’s information.  R. Leone suggested that the Town Manager write a letter
to the School Board and Superintendent of Education relating that the Sunapee Selectmen
are not happy with having to wait each year to set the tax rate because the school has not
turned in their financial information.  It was agreed that D. Nashawaty will write a letter
to the Superintendent of Education with a carbon copy to the Commissioner of
Education and School Board Chairman.

C.  Join Meeting with Board of Selectmen and Water and Sewer Commissioners

D. Nashawaty suggested to the Board that a meeting be held with the Water and Sewer
Commissioners to discuss two projects.  The first, the provision of labor of water and
sewer personnel to put in water pipe for the new Safety Services Building.  The second
is the Lake Avenue projects.  She would like to meet with the commissioners on a night
other than a regular Board meeting.  E. Smith suggested that the Board go to a meeting of
the commissioners.  D. Nashawaty will email to see if that is possible.  The next meeting
of the commissioners is November 9 at 5:30 PM.

D.  School Access Road

D. Nashawaty informed the Board of a letter she received from the School Department’s
engineer regarding the proposed access road over Safety Services Building property to
the elementary school.  The engineer is stating that the portion of the access road which
is to the right of the planned building will require a different strength because it
will be traveled by buses.  The cost is $6,000 for one course of gravel, but if ledge is hit
  the cost will raise by an additional $12,000.  The Board was not in favor of requesting
the town to pay for this as it is not a requirement for the town’s portion of construction of
the road.  Discussion was held on the need for a second access to the school to receive
30% federal funding. F. Gallup  recommended that the town put $6,000 into the road and
ask for reimbursement from the school.  The Board agreed.  Motion was made by Fred
Gallup to apply the $6,000 course of gravel, if the school agrees to reimburse the
Town, but if ledge is hit, then no more will be done.  The motion was seconded by
Stephen White.  The motion was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Stephen White to enter non-public session at 9:25 PM in
accordance with RSA 91A:3II(a) to discuss an employee issue.  The motion was
seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D. Nashawaty asked that the record show that Police Chief David Cahill was present
for non-public session as well as Darlene Morse, recording secretary.

Motion was made by Stephen White to leave non-public session at 10:00 PM.  The
motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion

Motion was made by Stephen White to seal the minutes of the non-public session.
The motion was seconded by Emma White.  The vote was unanimous and the
motion carried.


The Board spoke briefly with Chief Cahill regarding the recent drug bust at Sunapee
Harbor.  The Sunapee Police Department and Chief Cahill assisted the Sullivan
County Drug Task Force with this.  

Motion was made by Stephen White to enter non-public session at 10:12 PM in
accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II ( c ) to discuss matters that might have an adverse
effect on the reputation of a person or person(s).  The motion was seconded by
Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Stephen White to leave non-public session at 11:00 PM.  The
motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion

Motion was made by Stephen White to seal the minutes of the non-public session.
The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the
motion carried.

R. Leone brought the Board up to date of what is happening at the Legislature.  The
Board’s 2% bill was pushed aside and Harry Gale’s 2% bill will be presented as it
was determined that two like bills should not go on the floor together.  R. Leone
believes the Board should make an appointment to meet with the Speaker of the
House to enlighten him on the differences in the two bills.  The Board thought
this was a good idea.  R. Leone will set up the meeting and try to see if the
Board and D. Nashawaty can get have an appointment on either November 7 or
November 8.  It was agreed to have D. Nashawaty call and invite Harry Gale to
go with them.  

Meeting was adjourned at 11:15 PM

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved______________

_______________________________                 ____________________________
William Roach, Chairman                         Emma Smith, Co-Chairman

_______________________________                 _____________________________
Frederick Gallup                                        Richard Leone

Stephen W. White

OCTOBER 24, 2005

Present:        William Roach, Emma Smith, Frederick Gallup, Richard Leone and
                Stephen White.

Also Present:  Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Others: Ronald Verblauw, T.J. Alexander, James Powers, Rebecca Miller and
                Donna Robinson.

7:00 PM:        The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Roach.


A.  Ronald Verblauw – Sunapee Harbor Riverway

Mr. Verblauw was present to provide the Board with an overview of what is going on with the Sunapee Harbor Riverway.  This is a voluntary group of individuals who are dedicated to revitalizing the harbor and Riverway area.  Their goal is to make the area more viable and to serve the community on a year round basis.  There are 11 properties involved.  Mr. Verblauw had heard it said that the Riverway was not doing enough for the community and he wished to clarify to the Board what the activities have been.  He reminded the Board that the Riverway pays approximately $40,000.00 a year in taxes and has done so for the past 6 years.  He feels this is one benefit they are providing Sunapee.  He also stated that he is disappointed with the progress to date.  They are currently working on Pete’s Shed in  the hopes that Jenkins Studio of Dance will be conducting lessons there.  The Riverway is trying to entice businesses to open up shops, etc. and bring some activity to the harbor during the fall and winter months.  A meeting is being held on Tuesday, November 22, 2005.  They have invited all people in the area to talk about cooperative marketing.  Mr. Verblauw stated that he would like to make the harbor and riverway  open to snowmobile activities and then, some year, plan an activity for Halloween.   He stated that the Sunapee Harbor Riverway is looking for more members.   He asked the Board for their thoughts.  Richard Leone stated that he applauded Riverway for what they have in done purchasing the property along the river and in the harbor, but he feels that the group has been too inclusive in the past,  making it so that many do not want to join or feel they are not welcomed to join.  William Roach  stated that the idea of year round would be good and would bring people in.  What he feels is needed is a variety of businesses and he thanked Mr. Verblauw for coming in to see the Board.  Fred Gallup agreed saying that  Riverway got the harbor to start moving in the right direction again.  Stephen White also agreed and did add that he feels the group should look to other residents of Sunapee, not just the harbor and riverway area residents.  Mr. Verblauw thanked the Board for their time.

B.   Public Hearing – Time Limits in Chart 1 Lot D (from 6 hours to 2 hours)

B. Roach opened the hearing at 7:15 PM.  He explained the area and informed those present that the Board would like to limit the parking in this lot to 2 hours.  This would not allow people to park their boat trailers in the lot on an all day basis, which has been happening in the past.  R. Leone questioned how it would be enforced.  B. Roach responded that enforcement was up to the Chief of Police.  D. Nashawaty stated that a sign will be erected and that she feels the Chief will use his own discretion in enforcement.  An example would be parking in this lot during the fall and winter months.  The harbor is not busy during these seasons.  With regard to parking boat trailers, B. Roach stated that there is ample parking for these further up the road.  It was recommended by T. J. Alexander that it be well signed.  The Board agreed and said this would be done.  B. Roach closed the hearing at 7:35 PM.  Motion was made by Stephen White to amend the parking ordinance under Section 1:2, in the village of Sunapee, to add parking lot D, chart 1 to a 2 hour parking limitation.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Solid Waste Project – T.J. Alexander

T. J. Alexander was present to speak to the Board regarding the ending of the project scheduled for July 1, 2007.  They are in the process of dissolution of the project and July 1, 2007 will see an end to all business activities of the District.  The project has assets, one being a 90 acre parcel of property it owns which is the present ash landfill.  Newport ECON has indicated an interest in controlling this property.   If they should receive it, ECON will take over as caretaker.  The project is willing to transfer trust funds to ECON which would allow them to manage the site and report per DES requirements.  The interest alone in the trust fund should be self sustaining.  ECON would then be responsible for the property as well as any town that has disposed of ash there.  The project also owns a second 50 acre parcel of property in Claremont.  T.J. Alexander asked the Board for their input.  B. Roach stated that he has been reading of this in the newspapers and knows that all towns can be on the hook if anything disastrous  happens on the site and feels this is a good idea to get out of this.  T. J. Alexander does not foresee any problems with the ash site.  It was handled properly.  The materials disposed of there were put on sand with a clay liner, drainage was added, compacted, graded and sloped.  More sand was placed and then a second liner.  Over that soil and grass were placed.  S.
White stated he would not be surprised if in the future the site was mined for the ores and metals.  T.  J. Alexander agreed.  R. Leone asked what entity would be overseeing the landfill property.  T. J. Alexander responded that it would be NH DES.  He added that there may be a potential buyer for the Claremont property.  He also added that a $60,000 engineering report was done on the site and the landfill is functioning as designed and is safe as it is.  R. Leone thanked T.J. Alexander for the 10 years of service he has given to the community.  The other Board members also expressed their appreciation.  T. J. Alexander asked the Board for their direction.  The Board responded that they wished T. J.  would use his best discretion, as he always has, when required to vote.  Motion was made by Stephen White to give T. J. Alexander the Board’s approval to use his best judgment when the time came to dispose of the property.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D.  James Powers Associates:  Timothy and Jeffrey Drive in Sunapee View Estates

D. Nashawaty explained that J. Powers was appearing  before the Board in accordance with RSA 640:40a to ask that the Board accept dedicated roads, Timothy and Jeffrey Drive.  She has a copy of a deed from Powers to the town, which has been reviewed by Town Counsel.  She and T. Bergeron, Road Agent, have been working closing with J. Powers with regard to the construction of the roads.  T. Bergeron feels they meet all road requirements.  D. Nashawaty reported that all of the lots have been sold.  To date, the Town has received $72,000 in current use penalties.  The total brought in for penalties could range around $200,000.  R. Leon questioned a boundary dispute he heard rumored in town.  J. Powers stated that there was a minor problem, but that has been resolved.  R. Leone questioned the entrance.  J. Powers explained that land had to be exchanged with abutters to gain the required footage.  B. Roach reviewed the deed and noted that instead of “Sullivan” County, the deed used “Grafton” County.  D. Nashawaty will get this corrected.  D. Nashawaty explained that the Selectmen had to hold a public hearing before acceptance of these roads and asked if November 7, 2005 would be a good time as this is a regular Selectmen’s meeting.  D. Nashawaty also informed the Board that she returned J. Powers’ road bond to him.  Motion was made by Stephen White to schedule a public hearing for November 7, 2005 to discuss acceptance of Timothy and Jeffrey Drive in Sunapee View Estates.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


See copy of agenda attached.


A.  Vacancy in Library Trustees

William Roach removed himself from the Board for this discussion.

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that Brenda Huff has been recommended to be
appointed to the Library Trustees.  Motion was made by Stephen White to appoint
Brenda Huff to the Library Trustees.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  
The vote was as follows.  For:  Richard Leone, Emma White, Frederick Gallup and
Stephen White.  Bill  Roach abstained.  The motion carried.

B. Roach returned to the Board.


A.  Budget:  Details for Future Meetings

D. Nashawaty presented the Board with a draft calendar of meetings with departments,
boards and commissions to discuss the 2006 proposed budget.  She has scheduled the
meetings for every Tuesday in November.  She has penciled in a time of 6 PM to 8 PM.
D. Nashawaty explained that she is sending letters to all of the non-profit organizations
that Sunapee contributed to in 2005 to ascertain if any contribution will be requested in
2006.  Both E. Smith and S. White could not attend some of the meetings.  D. Nashawaty
adjusted the calendar.  A copy of the final schedule is attached to the file copy of these
minutes.  F. Gallup suggested morning meetings and a possible Saturday meeting with
the Budget Advisory Committee.  S. White agreed.  F. Gallup questioned the ending
hour of 8 PM for each meeting.  He feels meetings will be longer.  R. Leone suggested a
weekend wrap up session with the Budget Advisory Committee.  D. Nashawaty will
arrange this.  S. White would like to see early morning meetings as everyone’s energy
level is at its best.  He also added he doesn’t feel the meetings with department heads will
be difficult because the Board is fortunate to have department heads that are cautious of
spending.  D. Nashawaty will rework the schedule and provide the Board with a copy.

B.  Tax Rate

D. Nashawaty reported that no date to set the rate has been arranged as DRA is waiting
for the school’s information.  R. Leone suggested that the Town Manager write a letter
to the School Board and Superintendent of Education relating that the Sunapee Selectmen
are not happy with having to wait each year to set the tax rate because the school has not
turned in their financial information.  It was agreed that D. Nashawaty will write a letter
to the Superintendent of Education with a carbon copy to the Commissioner of
Education and School Board Chairman.

C.  Join Meeting with Board of Selectmen and Water and Sewer Commissioners

D. Nashawaty suggested to the Board that a meeting be held with the Water and Sewer
Commissioners to discuss two projects.  The first, the provision of labor of water and
sewer personnel to put in water pipe for the new Safety Services Building.  The second
is the Lake Avenue projects.  She would like to meet with the commissioners on a night
other than a regular Board meeting.  E. Smith suggested that the Board go to a meeting of
the commissioners.  D. Nashawaty will email to see if that is possible.  The next meeting
of the commissioners is November 9 at 5:30 PM.

D.  School Access Road

D. Nashawaty informed the Board of a letter she received from the School Department’s
engineer regarding the proposed access road over Safety Services Building property to
the elementary school.  The engineer is stating that the portion of the access road which
is to the right of the planned building will require a different strength because it
will be traveled by buses.  The cost is $6,000 for one course of gravel, but if ledge is hit
  the cost will raise by an additional $12,000.  The Board was not in favor of requesting
the town to pay for this as it is not a requirement for the town’s portion of construction of
the road.  Discussion was held on the need for a second access to the school to receive
30% federal funding. F. Gallup  recommended that the town put $6,000 into the road and
ask for reimbursement from the school.  The Board agreed.  Motion was made by Fred
Gallup to apply the $6,000 course of gravel, if the school agrees to reimburse the
Town, but if ledge is hit, then no more will be done.  The motion was seconded by
Stephen White.  The motion was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Stephen White to enter non-public session at 9:25 PM in
accordance with RSA 91A:3II(a) to discuss an employee issue.  The motion was
seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D. Nashawaty asked that the record show that Police Chief David Cahill was present
for non-public session as well as Darlene Morse, recording secretary.

Motion was made by Stephen White to leave non-public session at 10:00 PM.  The
motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion

Motion was made by Stephen White to seal the minutes of the non-public session.
The motion was seconded by Emma White.  The vote was unanimous and the
motion carried.


The Board spoke briefly with Chief Cahill regarding the recent drug bust at Sunapee
Harbor.  The Sunapee Police Department and Chief Cahill assisted the Sullivan
County Drug Task Force with this.  

Motion was made by Stephen White to enter non-public session at 10:12 PM in
accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II ( c ) to discuss matters that might have an adverse
effect on the reputation of a person or person(s).  The motion was seconded by
Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Stephen White to leave non-public session at 11:00 PM.  The
motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion

Motion was made by Stephen White to seal the minutes of the non-public session.
The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the
motion carried.

R. Leone brought the Board up to date of what is happening at the Legislature.  The
Board’s 2% bill was pushed aside and Harry Gale’s 2% bill will be presented as it
was determined that two like bills should not go on the floor together.  R. Leone
believes the Board should make an appointment to meet with the Speaker of the
House to enlighten him on the differences in the two bills.  The Board thought
this was a good idea.  R. Leone will set up the meeting and try to see if the
Board and D. Nashawaty can get have an appointment on either November 7 or
November 8.  It was agreed to have D. Nashawaty call and invite Harry Gale to
go with them.  

Meeting was adjourned at 11:15 PM

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved______________

_______________________________                 ____________________________
William Roach, Chairman                         Emma Smith, Co-Chairman

_______________________________                 _____________________________
Frederick Gallup                                        Richard Leone

Stephen W. White

OCTOBER 24, 2005

Present:        William Roach, Emma Smith, Frederick Gallup, Richard Leone and
                Stephen White.

Also Present:  Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Others: Ronald Verblauw, T.J. Alexander, James Powers, Rebecca Miller and
                Donna Robinson.

7:00 PM:        The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Roach.


A.  Ronald Verblauw – Sunapee Harbor Riverway

Mr. Verblauw was present to provide the Board with an overview of what is going on with the Sunapee Harbor Riverway.  This is a voluntary group of individuals who are dedicated to revitalizing the harbor and Riverway area.  Their goal is to make the area more viable and to serve the community on a year round basis.  There are 11 properties involved.  Mr. Verblauw had heard it said that the Riverway was not doing enough for the community and he wished to clarify to the Board what the activities have been.  He reminded the Board that the Riverway pays approximately $40,000.00 a year in taxes and has done so for the past 6 years.  He feels this is one benefit they are providing Sunapee.  He also stated that he is disappointed with the progress to date.  They are currently working on Pete’s Shed in  the hopes that Jenkins Studio of Dance will be conducting lessons there.  The Riverway is trying to entice businesses to open up shops, etc. and bring some activity to the harbor during the fall and winter months.  A meeting is being held on Tuesday, November 22, 2005.  They have invited all people in the area to talk about cooperative marketing.  Mr. Verblauw stated that he would like to make the harbor and riverway  open to snowmobile activities and then, some year, plan an activity for Halloween.   He stated that the Sunapee Harbor Riverway is looking for more members.   He asked the Board for their thoughts.  Richard Leone stated that he applauded Riverway for what they have in done purchasing the property along the river and in the harbor, but he feels that the group has been too inclusive in the past,  making it so that many do not want to join or feel they are not welcomed to join.  William Roach  stated that the idea of year round would be good and would bring people in.  What he feels is needed is a variety of businesses and he thanked Mr. Verblauw for coming in to see the Board.  Fred Gallup agreed saying that  Riverway got the harbor to start moving in the right direction again.  Stephen White also agreed and did add that he feels the group should look to other residents of Sunapee, not just the harbor and riverway area residents.  Mr. Verblauw thanked the Board for their time.

B.   Public Hearing – Time Limits in Chart 1 Lot D (from 6 hours to 2 hours)

B. Roach opened the hearing at 7:15 PM.  He explained the area and informed those present that the Board would like to limit the parking in this lot to 2 hours.  This would not allow people to park their boat trailers in the lot on an all day basis, which has been happening in the past.  R. Leone questioned how it would be enforced.  B. Roach responded that enforcement was up to the Chief of Police.  D. Nashawaty stated that a sign will be erected and that she feels the Chief will use his own discretion in enforcement.  An example would be parking in this lot during the fall and winter months.  The harbor is not busy during these seasons.  With regard to parking boat trailers, B. Roach stated that there is ample parking for these further up the road.  It was recommended by T. J. Alexander that it be well signed.  The Board agreed and said this would be done.  B. Roach closed the hearing at 7:35 PM.  Motion was made by Stephen White to amend the parking ordinance under Section 1:2, in the village of Sunapee, to add parking lot D, chart 1 to a 2 hour parking limitation.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Solid Waste Project – T.J. Alexander

T. J. Alexander was present to speak to the Board regarding the ending of the project scheduled for July 1, 2007.  They are in the process of dissolution of the project and July 1, 2007 will see an end to all business activities of the District.  The project has assets, one being a 90 acre parcel of property it owns which is the present ash landfill.  Newport ECON has indicated an interest in controlling this property.   If they should receive it, ECON will take over as caretaker.  The project is willing to transfer trust funds to ECON which would allow them to manage the site and report per DES requirements.  The interest alone in the trust fund should be self sustaining.  ECON would then be responsible for the property as well as any town that has disposed of ash there.  The project also owns a second 50 acre parcel of property in Claremont.  T.J. Alexander asked the Board for their input.  B. Roach stated that he has been reading of this in the newspapers and knows that all towns can be on the hook if anything disastrous  happens on the site and feels this is a good idea to get out of this.  T. J. Alexander does not foresee any problems with the ash site.  It was handled properly.  The materials disposed of there were put on sand with a clay liner, drainage was added, compacted, graded and sloped.  More sand was placed and then a second liner.  Over that soil and grass were placed.  S.
White stated he would not be surprised if in the future the site was mined for the ores and metals.  T.  J. Alexander agreed.  R. Leone asked what entity would be overseeing the landfill property.  T. J. Alexander responded that it would be NH DES.  He added that there may be a potential buyer for the Claremont property.  He also added that a $60,000 engineering report was done on the site and the landfill is functioning as designed and is safe as it is.  R. Leone thanked T.J. Alexander for the 10 years of service he has given to the community.  The other Board members also expressed their appreciation.  T. J. Alexander asked the Board for their direction.  The Board responded that they wished T. J.  would use his best discretion, as he always has, when required to vote.  Motion was made by Stephen White to give T. J. Alexander the Board’s approval to use his best judgment when the time came to dispose of the property.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D.  James Powers Associates:  Timothy and Jeffrey Drive in Sunapee View Estates

D. Nashawaty explained that J. Powers was appearing  before the Board in accordance with RSA 640:40a to ask that the Board accept dedicated roads, Timothy and Jeffrey Drive.  She has a copy of a deed from Powers to the town, which has been reviewed by Town Counsel.  She and T. Bergeron, Road Agent, have been working closing with J. Powers with regard to the construction of the roads.  T. Bergeron feels they meet all road requirements.  D. Nashawaty reported that all of the lots have been sold.  To date, the Town has received $72,000 in current use penalties.  The total brought in for penalties could range around $200,000.  R. Leon questioned a boundary dispute he heard rumored in town.  J. Powers stated that there was a minor problem, but that has been resolved.  R. Leone questioned the entrance.  J. Powers explained that land had to be exchanged with abutters to gain the required footage.  B. Roach reviewed the deed and noted that instead of “Sullivan” County, the deed used “Grafton” County.  D. Nashawaty will get this corrected.  D. Nashawaty explained that the Selectmen had to hold a public hearing before acceptance of these roads and asked if November 7, 2005 would be a good time as this is a regular Selectmen’s meeting.  D. Nashawaty also informed the Board that she returned J. Powers’ road bond to him.  Motion was made by Stephen White to schedule a public hearing for November 7, 2005 to discuss acceptance of Timothy and Jeffrey Drive in Sunapee View Estates.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


See copy of agenda attached.


A.  Vacancy in Library Trustees

William Roach removed himself from the Board for this discussion.

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that Brenda Huff has been recommended to be
appointed to the Library Trustees.  Motion was made by Stephen White to appoint
Brenda Huff to the Library Trustees.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  
The vote was as follows.  For:  Richard Leone, Emma White, Frederick Gallup and
Stephen White.  Bill  Roach abstained.  The motion carried.

B. Roach returned to the Board.


A.  Budget:  Details for Future Meetings

D. Nashawaty presented the Board with a draft calendar of meetings with departments,
boards and commissions to discuss the 2006 proposed budget.  She has scheduled the
meetings for every Tuesday in November.  She has penciled in a time of 6 PM to 8 PM.
D. Nashawaty explained that she is sending letters to all of the non-profit organizations
that Sunapee contributed to in 2005 to ascertain if any contribution will be requested in
2006.  Both E. Smith and S. White could not attend some of the meetings.  D. Nashawaty
adjusted the calendar.  A copy of the final schedule is attached to the file copy of these
minutes.  F. Gallup suggested morning meetings and a possible Saturday meeting with
the Budget Advisory Committee.  S. White agreed.  F. Gallup questioned the ending
hour of 8 PM for each meeting.  He feels meetings will be longer.  R. Leone suggested a
weekend wrap up session with the Budget Advisory Committee.  D. Nashawaty will
arrange this.  S. White would like to see early morning meetings as everyone’s energy
level is at its best.  He also added he doesn’t feel the meetings with department heads will
be difficult because the Board is fortunate to have department heads that are cautious of
spending.  D. Nashawaty will rework the schedule and provide the Board with a copy.

B.  Tax Rate

D. Nashawaty reported that no date to set the rate has been arranged as DRA is waiting
for the school’s information.  R. Leone suggested that the Town Manager write a letter
to the School Board and Superintendent of Education relating that the Sunapee Selectmen
are not happy with having to wait each year to set the tax rate because the school has not
turned in their financial information.  It was agreed that D. Nashawaty will write a letter
to the Superintendent of Education with a carbon copy to the Commissioner of
Education and School Board Chairman.

C.  Join Meeting with Board of Selectmen and Water and Sewer Commissioners

D. Nashawaty suggested to the Board that a meeting be held with the Water and Sewer
Commissioners to discuss two projects.  The first, the provision of labor of water and
sewer personnel to put in water pipe for the new Safety Services Building.  The second
is the Lake Avenue projects.  She would like to meet with the commissioners on a night
other than a regular Board meeting.  E. Smith suggested that the Board go to a meeting of
the commissioners.  D. Nashawaty will email to see if that is possible.  The next meeting
of the commissioners is November 9 at 5:30 PM.

D.  School Access Road

D. Nashawaty informed the Board of a letter she received from the School Department’s
engineer regarding the proposed access road over Safety Services Building property to
the elementary school.  The engineer is stating that the portion of the access road which
is to the right of the planned building will require a different strength because it
will be traveled by buses.  The cost is $6,000 for one course of gravel, but if ledge is hit
  the cost will raise by an additional $12,000.  The Board was not in favor of requesting
the town to pay for this as it is not a requirement for the town’s portion of construction of
the road.  Discussion was held on the need for a second access to the school to receive
30% federal funding. F. Gallup  recommended that the town put $6,000 into the road and
ask for reimbursement from the school.  The Board agreed.  Motion was made by Fred
Gallup to apply the $6,000 course of gravel, if the school agrees to reimburse the
Town, but if ledge is hit, then no more will be done.  The motion was seconded by
Stephen White.  The motion was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Stephen White to enter non-public session at 9:25 PM in
accordance with RSA 91A:3II(a) to discuss an employee issue.  The motion was
seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D. Nashawaty asked that the record show that Police Chief David Cahill was present
for non-public session as well as Darlene Morse, recording secretary.

Motion was made by Stephen White to leave non-public session at 10:00 PM.  The
motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion

Motion was made by Stephen White to seal the minutes of the non-public session.
The motion was seconded by Emma White.  The vote was unanimous and the
motion carried.


The Board spoke briefly with Chief Cahill regarding the recent drug bust at Sunapee
Harbor.  The Sunapee Police Department and Chief Cahill assisted the Sullivan
County Drug Task Force with this.  

Motion was made by Stephen White to enter non-public session at 10:12 PM in
accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II ( c ) to discuss matters that might have an adverse
effect on the reputation of a person or person(s).  The motion was seconded by
Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Stephen White to leave non-public session at 11:00 PM.  The
motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion

Motion was made by Stephen White to seal the minutes of the non-public session.
The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the
motion carried.

R. Leone brought the Board up to date of what is happening at the Legislature.  The
Board’s 2% bill was pushed aside and Harry Gale’s 2% bill will be presented as it
was determined that two like bills should not go on the floor together.  R. Leone
believes the Board should make an appointment to meet with the Speaker of the
House to enlighten him on the differences in the two bills.  The Board thought
this was a good idea.  R. Leone will set up the meeting and try to see if the
Board and D. Nashawaty can get have an appointment on either November 7 or
November 8.  It was agreed to have D. Nashawaty call and invite Harry Gale to
go with them.  

Meeting was adjourned at 11:15 PM

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved______________

_______________________________                 ____________________________
William Roach, Chairman                                     Emma Smith, Co-Chairman

_______________________________                 _____________________________
Frederick Gallup                                                    Richard Leone

Stephen W. White